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2006 Feb 14 (Tue)

Tag, you're it

So I was tagged by Angelo last week. I figure I might as well continue the tag game :)

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

  1. Anastasia
  2. Haligweorc
  3. King Alfred
  4. sauvage noble

Next select five people to tag.

  1. Jayson Whelpley
  2. Hart Woolery
  3. T.J. Tallie
  4. Jen Chen (she rhymes)
  5. Benson Lee

Angelo: I read the post from the bottom-up, sorry :( But here are my answers anyway.

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Wow. Ten years ago. That was half-my-life ago (give or take a few years). Alright, well, ten years ago I was in eighth grade. I was having a fun time doing club soccer and riding BMX with my friends after school (both of which would abruptly end on March 22 because of a broken leg). I also had just transferred to a different English class and was enjoying the new atmosphere (I hated my former teacher). Valentine's Day was coming up, but since I wasn't that interested in girls (probably because Shawna Cooper ripped up my childish love letter to her in 4th grade), I think I was mostly focusing on learning as much as a I could about languages called HTML and C. (I received a C compiler from my friend's dad, and was working my way through figuring out how to program, compile and link in C, and looking at C coding examples from a Dr. Dobb's Journal CD archive. No, it wasn't the best way to learn, and yes, I wish I had someone around to teach me.) Around the same time, I was building up animosity toward my mom because of stupid little things (oh, hindsight). It has taken 5-6 years to tear it down.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

A year ago I was freaking out about what I was going to do after I graduated from college. I was enjoying my classes immensely (all Ling classes!), and was taking "time off" from dating Margret to sort some stuff out (once again, hindsight reveals it wasn't the best thing to do). I was living with four other guys: Richard Ahn, Vincenzo DiNicola, Kyle Maxwell, and Louis Nguyen. I've never been good and telling people when I'm getting frustrated. I usually bottle it up and try to internalize it, hoping it will go away, and last year was no different. Thankfully, I don't think any of the guys hold that character weakness against me, and were patient while trying to understand how to help. That was my first year living off-campus, and I was having a good experience overall. I was also learning Zapotec, an indigenous language from Oaxaca, Mexico, but not putting enough time into it to see results I was satisfied with :(

Five snacks you enjoy:

  1. CheezIts (but am trying to not give in as much anymore)
  2. (fresh) whole tomatoes
  3. honey-roasted peanuts (from Trader Joe's)
  4. Reese's peanut butter cups
  5. Mochi

Five songs you know all the words to:

  1. You by Switchfoot
  2. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
  3. Ultra Violet (Light My Way) by U2
  4. Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison
  5. In The Light by dcTalk

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

I'll answer this question sorta like Angelo, and say what I'd do if I had a million to blow

  1. Invest in stocks (~10k)
  2. Buy gifts for family and friends for the next 4 years (~40k)
  3. Give money to some charities (including my sis ;)) (~150k)
  4. Travel the world for a year (~200k)
  5. Invest in real estate (buy a house, and other land) (~600k)

Five bad habits:

  1. Biting nails
  2. Stirring things with my index finger (my friend Jen Chen reminded me how unsanitary this is)
  3. Getting involved in too many things at once
  4. Eating few but large meals (family history of diabetes)
  5. Not keeping it touch with those I care about (no news is *not* good news to others)

Five things you enjoy doing:

  1. Running (exercising, in general)
  2. Reading
  3. Programming
  4. Guitaring
  5. Helping others

Five things you would never wear again:

  1. Hammer pants
  2. My friend's sister's pink dress
  3. Bra (not a bro)
  4. Size 28 jeans
  5. Speedo

Five favorite toys:

  1. iBook
  2. Mac Mini
  3. Soccer ball
  4. Legos
  5. iShuffle

Angelo added another category, which I'm feeling up to answering:

Five things you have in common with your tagger:

  1. We procrastinate
  2. We have learned Latin (he by far better than I)
  3. We live in southern California
  4. We have Apple hardware :)
  5. We blog about stuff related to linguistics from time to time

2006/02/16 22:10
Louis Nguyen

that was a memorable time in that house. we had our moments from the bizarre introduction (sorry about giving you that "who the heck are you?" look) to video games to surfing to sushi to exquisite parties. our conversations are among the most significant i've had. no worries, bro. even though i'm out here on the other side of the country, it doesn't mean i've forgotten. to the good times of the past, and to the brilliant times of the future. trogdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor!

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