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2006 Oct 19 (Thu)

Don't get G-Face!

Staying up late watching one of my new favorite shows, Battlestar Galactica, I saw a commercial for GWhiz. First of all, I can't believe someone is actually selling something like this. Second of all, I can't believe people are actually buying it. I sure hope it's a joke, but if it's not, (using a bad Mr. T impression) "Ah pidee tha foo'! " (who buys it). The company is not only manufacturing a "solution" to a problem, but actually creating a problem where there isn't one in the first place! It reminds me of what Ackerman mentioned about the rise of Listerine in the 1920's. But honestly, Listerine still makes more sense to me than GWhiz. Maybe, the product's name says it all, "Gee whiz, why didn't I think about stating a problem, creating a solution, and then selling it to the naive?". The company also is selling the Moto-go Grip and the Hey Horn.

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