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2006 Jan 02 (Mon)

reconsidering consonantal
In their paper Reconsidering [consonantal] (Phonology 13 (1996) 345-376) Elizabeth Hume and David Odden consider the use of [consonantal] as a distinctive feature. After their short introduction of the history behind distinctive features, they state that [consonantal] is not a crucial distinctive feature. They provide three situations where [consonantal] is not required if approached from different directions. The first situation is when describing phonemic contrasts: "[consonantal] never functions as the sole feature responsible for distinguishing segments." The descriptions of the distinction between w (labial glide) and ? (bilabial fricative), and the distinction between y (palatal glide) and ? (palatal approximant) do not require the use of [consonantal]. Research done by Waksler (1990)

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