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2006 Jan 27 (Fri)

An interesting evolution study

Thanks to the Trotter for posting about this study on the BSERC website (i didn't think BSERCers were using it anymore: apparently, I was wrong :)). Just thought others would be interested, but since I don't follow the hard sciences like I used to, I don't have anything worth adding. But it did make me think back to my typology class: the differences between analytic and polysynthetic languages. Has there been any recorded instance of a language that is mostly analytic becoming more polysynthetic in a certain area (e.g., nouns), or has it always been that more polysynthetic languages become more analytic (yes, the last part is an assumption on my part)? I seem to remember that there was speculation that languages limbo back and forth between analytic and polysynthetic, but can't recall any clear examples where a more analytic language became more polysynthetic or vice versa. At any rate, has a language which becomes more analytic (or polysynthetic) because of its contact with other languages ever been studied? Can any light be shed on this by the study of cross-fertilization of plants and the irreversibility of certain complex traits? Hmm...looks like I need to set aside some time for this stuff :)

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