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2006 Mar 30 (Thu)

Earth to Titan

BBC had an article about two weeks ago telling how some scientists have announced the possibility of life on Titan. Because of the meteors that crashed into to Earth, "material" could have been ejected off Earth into space. The material could have contained living organisms, and scientists, using models, have shown that the trajectory of the jettison could have brought the material to moons of Saturn, specifically Titan and Europa. Scientists don't have real hope for Europa to have been seeded (because of the velocity at which the material would be entering its atmosphere). As Dr. Gladman is quoted to have said:

"It's frustrating if you're a microbe that's been wandering the Universe for a million years to then die striking the surface of Europa."
Apparently I don't know anything about the life expectancy of organisms, because I thought that the trip outside the Earth's atmosphere, or even floating around in space for millions of years, would have obliterated any chance of survival. Guess I need to read bio when I get the chance. :-)

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