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2007 Jan 21 (Sun)

First Few Criticisms
So I've been reading The Intellectual Devotional ever since I bought it a couple weeks ago. I've enjoyed a lot of the entries so far. I never knew about the bust of Nefertiti, the results of the cloned ewe (Dolly), nor what made Ulysses a literary masterpiece. However, there are three things that have bugged me about it so far:

  1. a blatant typo:
    Yes, the first one might seem pedantic, but seriously, how hard is it to check for misspellings of common words like built (Day 6)?
  2. non-factual information:
    Umm, I consider it common knowledge that Christians refer to all of Hebrew scriptures as the Old Testament, not just the first five books (Day 7).
  3. musical typesetting:
    Today's entry (Day 12) discussed what melody is. In doing so, it gives an example of a melody in standard musical notation, parts of which seem out of whack. The third bar of the first system looked like it started D notes. But then finishing reading the bar, they looked like C notes because of their distance from the lowest line of the stave, or maybe even B notes. I decided in the end that they were C notes. Also, in the second bar of the second system, it looks like the first three notes are supposed to be quavers, considering time signature. I decided that it was another fluke they weren't combined with a beam (as the second bar of the first system was). I ended up creating a pdf of what I think the musical piece was supposed to look like, using muscript:
    2 systems /24/
    4 bars
    =1' treble 6/8 cro C qua C cro D qua D
    =1 qua [E G E] cro. C
    =1 cro C qua C cro D qua D
    =1 cro. E qua C rest rest
    4 bars | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 ||
    =1' treble cro C qua C cro D qua D
    =1 qua [E G E] cro. C
    =1 qua A-emph, rest rest cro D qua D
    =1 cro. E qua C rest rest
    pdf output
But like I said, other than that, it's been fun going through :-)

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